- cardphone,card telephone磁卡电话
- officer at the next lower rank次一职级的人员
- from the masses,to the masses从群众中来,到群众中去
- herd behavior从众行为
- promoting the coordinated development of all regions促进区域协调发展
- Citizens’ Association for Racial Equality促进种族平等公民协会
- Tsui崔
- Tear-gas bomb催泪弹
- village-run enterprise村办企业
- filing system存档系统,归档制度,档案系统
- IMPACT System [Inventory Management Procurement Accounting Control Technique System]存货管理、采购、会计控制技巧系统
- Handing Over Certificate[GF 239]存货移交证明书(通用表格第239号)
- Stock capital存量资本
- Da Cuo Che搭错车
- throw in搭送 额外奉送
- reach a consensus达成共识
- issue an IOU打白条
- vouch for somebody;guarantee something打保票
- patch installing打补丁(电脑)
- Focusing on the two historic tasks of being capable of winning and never degenerate打得赢、不变质两个历史性课题
- fight to change for the better打翻身战
- part-time job打工
- yawn vi.打哈欠,vt.打着哈欠说,n.哈吹
- vindictive blow打击报复
- put all cards on the table;speak frankly;let's not mince matters打开天窗说亮话
- break the Three Irons: iron armchairs(life-time posts),iron rice bowl(life-time employment) and iron 打破三铁
- break off a forbidden zone打破禁区
- break monopoly打破垄断
- marked adj.打上记号的,引人注目的
- combat smuggling打私
- have some question or doubt打问号
- secretly report on a colleague;rat on a fellow worker打小报告
- squealer打小报告的人
- work in unfixed places;work as a seasonal laborer打游击
- major cases大案要案
- lobster大螯虾,龙虾
- belly-worship大包大揽
- give a large discount to one's customers or guests大酬宾
- weapons of mass desturction大规模杀伤武器
- "big circumstance"大环境
- an overall renewal of the membership of an organization大换血
- specially-invited delegate to the congress大会特邀代表
- World Competition大奖赛
- older youth大龄青年
- Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf大陆架界限委员会
- Commission of Atmospheric Sciences (CAS)大气科学委员会
- Air Pollution Control Commission (APCC)大气污染管制委员会
- Air Pollution Control Administration (APCA)大气污染控制管理局
- totally laissez-faire大撒把
- stall tea大碗茶
- atlantic free trade area大西洋自由贸易区
- warehouse store大型廉价商店
- matriculation grade大学入学试及格职系
- Mass media大众传媒
- make a big fuss about something大做文章
- Notice of Authorization of Persons to Incur Election Expenses on Behalf of Candidates代候选人招致选举开支的人的授权通知书
- in lieu of notice代替事先通知
- paid maternity leave带薪产假
- loan contracts贷款合约
- loan balance贷款余额
- Day/Tai戴/代
- San单/山
- individual anti-riot suit单兵防暴服装
- individual load carrier单兵携行具
- unilaterally-conceived单方面认定的
- unilaterally tear up an agreement or a treaty单方面撕毁协定
- Single-parent单亲
- the single单身贵族
- do something by oneself;work on one's own单挑,单干
- head of unit单位主管
- unilateral-charge单向收费
- one sided economy;single product economy单一经济
- one-point scale单一薪点薪级
- one-rank grade单一职级职系
- one-post grade单一职位职系
- single cropping单一种植
- Chanyu单于
- modular course单元课程
- modular training单元式训练
- fill a post担任,出任,履任
- Tan-tai澹台
- locally engaged staff当地聘请的人员,本地聘请的人员
- active user当前用户
- turn a deaf ear to something当作耳旁风
- excuse;pretext挡箭牌
- the National Congress of the Communist Party of China党代会
- the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee of the first (second,third)generation党的第一(第二、第三)代中央领导集体
- Party’s theory,line,program,principles and policies党的理论、路线、纲领、方针、政策
- the principle of the Party assuming the responsibility for cardres' affairs党管干部的原则
- Non-cpc personages党外人士