- Bond/cashier's check本票/债务债券证明
- home student status本土学生资格
- essential characteristic本质特征
- rebellion resulting from oppression by the government officials逼上梁山
- Price relations比价关系
- more or less mature socialist market economy/ a rather fullfledged socialist market economy比较完善的社会主义市场经济体制,A
- the only way必由之路
- final sitting闭幕会
- His (Her,Your) Majesty陛下
- To avoid economic downturn避免经济滑坡
- evasion避嫌
- fronter pass边防证
- border area边界地区
- boundary talks边界谈判
- status quo of the boundary边界现状
- frontier science边缘学科
- To doctor (cook up) final reports of revenues and expenditures编假结算
- Falsification of account编造假帐
- Bein卞
- memo [memorandum]便笺,备忘录,议事备忘录
- service for the convenience of the customers便民服务
- a plainclothes detective,a plainclothes policeman,plainclothes policeman便衣警察
- chang the waste into the treasure变废为宝
- Concealed (disguised) avoidance of debt payment变相逃债
- A disguised price raise变相提价
- System of Defense辩护制度
- government contract fare passage on standard route by air标准航空路线的政府合约价格机票
- Superficial problems表层问题
- non-performer表现欠佳人员
- outstanding performer表现优秀人员
- icy adj.冰的,多冰的
- munition enterprises兵工企业
- handle cases impartially秉公办案
- impartially execute the law秉公执法
- virus cold病毒性感冒
- Infection of the upper respiratory tract病毒性感染
- funding arrangement拨款安排
- Glassware Factory玻璃制品厂
- Berne Union (for he Protection of Literary and Artistic Works)伯尔尼(国际保护文学艺术作品)联盟
- Boao Forum for Asia (BFA)博鳌亚洲经济论坛
- doctor tutor博导
- post-doctoral research center博士后流动站
- doctoral supervisor博士生导师
- small profits with quick turnover薄利多销
- flimsy薄纸副本
- MIR scheme [management-initiated retirement scheme]补偿退休计划(原称指令离职计划)
- supply problem补给问题
- unprotected anal sex不安全性行为
- inactive record不常用的档案,非经常用档案
- will not commit ourselves to rule out the use of force不承诺放弃使用武力
- improper gain or advantage不当地获得利益或好处
- irregular working hours不定时工作
- constantly bring forth theoretical innovation不断推进理论创新
- increase the cohesion of the Chinese nation.不断增强中华民族的凝聚力
- never to attach any conditions不附带任何条件
- non-intervention policy不干预政策
- refrain from building "vanity projects"that waste both money and manpower不搞劳民伤财的形象工程
- inconvenient hours allowance不规则工作时间津贴
- non-aligned countries不结盟国家
- inevitable adj.不可避免的,必然(发生)的
- refrain from seeking personal favor at the expense of principle不拿原则换人情
- irrevocable option不能撤回的选择
- no-claim limit不能申领的数额
- non-leave earning不能赚取假期
- non-passage-earning leave不能赚取旅费的假期
- non-school-passage-earning leave不能赚取学生旅费的假期
- spare no effort;go all out;do one's best不惜一切代价
- off-duty day不用上班的日子
- unwillingly adv.不愿意地,厌恶地
- illicit competition不正当竞选
- non-negotiable copy不转让副本,不流通副本
- the infantry division步兵师
- inter-departmental transfer部门间调职
- head of department[HoD]部门首长
- MHI (Material Handling Institute)材料搬运协会
- financial strength grew noticeably财力明显增强
- finance publicity财务公开
- financial and human management财务及人力资源管理
- financial proposal财务建议
- Financial Circular Memorandum财务通函
- fiscal responsibility system财政包干
- fiskalpolitische Disziplinierung财政纪律
- Finance and Taxation财政税收
- fiscal guideline财政指引
- cut down on overstaffing;lay off redundant staff裁减冗员
- Purchasing Agent采购进货员
- purchasing mission采购团
- choose a location (for movie,TV drama,etc.)采景
- to take concerted steps采取协调行动
- color film processing彩扩