- price of non-basic food菜篮子价格
- Tsia/Choi/Tsai蔡/柴
- Participating in and supporting the development of the western region.参加和支援西部大开发
- Take an active part in activities such as forestation,sand prevention and control,closing mountains t参加植树造林、防沙治沙、封山育林、退耕还林还草等工作
- information note参考便览
- participate in the international division of labor参与国际分工
- participation consciousness参与意识
- Lazy Susan餐桌转盘
- atrocity残暴的行为
- The Special Olympic Games for the disabled残疾人特奥会
- keep painstakingly惨淡经营
- Tibet藏
- bookplate藏书票
- make arrangements操办
- integrity checking操守审查
- Integrity Checking Instructions操守审查训令
- manipulate the stock market操纵股票市场
- operational support services操作支援服务
- Chao/Chiao/Tsao曹/晁/巢
- noisy adj.嘈杂的,喧闹的
- poke one's nose into someone's businesses插杠子
- lookup查
- tea-processing factory,tea-processing plant茶厂
- Tea and Native Produce Import and Export Corporation茶叶土产进出口公司
- tea art茶艺
- competitive election差额选举
- demolition cost(s)拆迁费用
- diesel engine factory柴油机厂
- diploma obtained by using unfair or unlawful means掺水文凭
- mix in fake or inferior components掺杂兑假
- watered stock搀水股票
- property right management产权管理
- property right and asset transfer产权和资产出让
- property right exchange market产权交易市场
- Property right income产权收益
- industrial depression产业不景气
- industrialization产业化
- industrial structure convergence产业结构趋同
- Imbalance in the industrial structure产业结构失调
- Head Property Attendant产业看管长
- industry upgrading产业升级
- the ratio of profit to output value产值利税率
- As in the Yangtze River,the waves behind ride on the ones before: The new generation excels the old.长江后浪推前浪,一代更比一代强
- Flood control on the Yangtze River长江抗洪形势
- long-distance running长跑
- Long Service Travel Award Scheme长期服务公费旅行奖励计划
- long service payment长期服务金
- long service increment长期服务增薪点
- 7 years national debt for construction长期建设国债
- long-term quarters长期宿舍
- Long and Meritorious Service Award Scheme长期优良服务奖励计划
- Debt repayment peak偿债高峰
- sinking fund偿债基金
- Chang常
- officer on permanent establishment常额编制人员
- conventional disarmament常规裁军
- Conventional ballistic missile troops常规导弹部队
- executive director,manager director常务董事
- Members of the NPC Standing Committee常务委员会委员
- permanent representative to the United Nation常驻联合国代表
- permanent envoy常驻使节
- System under which the factory director is held responsible for attaining given objectives during his厂长任期目标责任制
- Marketable bonds畅销公债
- advocate patriotism,collectivism and socialism,combat and resist money worship,hedonism,ultra-egoism 倡导爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,反对和抵制拜金主义、享乐主义、极端个人主义等腐朽思想
- has initiated a new security concept,a new pattern for regional cooperation,and state-to-state relati倡导新型安全观、新型区域合作模式和新型国家关系
- initial written proposal倡议书
- put on a rival show唱对台戏
- roll-call vote唱名表决
- play a duet-collaborate;echo each other唱双簧
- Meter Reader抄表员
- exceed personnel超编人员
- To discharge excessive pollutants超标排放污染物
- Extra-quota (products)超产部分
- superconducting elements超导元素
- overloaded operation超负荷运转
- To go beyond the national capacity超过国力承担的可能
- forward education超前教育
- Consumer goods which arrive before their time超前消费的产品
- (sarcastic) people who give more births than birth quota allows超生游击队
- Localities that have excess revenues超收的地区
- hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)超文本传送协议
- household (or family) living perpetually in debt超支户
- the nuclear problem of the Korea peninsula朝鲜半岛核问题
- Korea Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO)朝鲜半岛能源开发组织
- tidal power station潮汐电站
- stock-market fever炒金热
- speculation炒买炒卖
- vehicle and watercraft maintenance equipment车船维修装备
- Vehicle-Purchasing Tax车辆购置税
- Railway Car Plant车辆制造厂