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long-distance running是什么意思



1)long-distance running,长跑2)long distance running,长跑3)long-distance race,长跑4)long-distance running,长跑a5)middle and long distance race,中长跑6)5 kilometers runing,5km长跑


    To study the personal mind of players for short-distance running and long-distance running,to analyses the personal mental difference of two kinds players and the different influence of the different personal mind on the two items,the author gives us some evidence of mental training for players.

    通过个性心理测试对短跑、长跑运动员个性心理进行研究、分析两个项目运动员的个性心理差异 ,以及不同个性心理对两个项目的不同影响。

    The item of long-distance running is always the difficult point in physical education.


    Through tracing the training of the national long distance running and Marathon teams for some years, we studied systematically how to adjust and adopt aerobic training and the mixed aerobic and anaerobic training in the preparation period and competition period of the long distance running and Marathon training.

    总结多年来跟踪国家长跑、马拉松运动队的训练的经验 ,对长跑、马拉松训练在准备期和竞赛期中如何科学地采用和调整有氧耐力训练和混氧训练进行了系统的研究 ,为我国从事长跑、马拉松训练的教练员制定训练计划提出建

    In order to study deeply the influence of long distance renning step freqence and stride to the athletes body function and training level,The author make a test for 10 long distance running athletes of Heilongjiang sport work team.


    The result shows that long distance running has good benefit on elder people s cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system and can delay the deterioration of cardiovascular and respiratory system while there is no significant effects on balance ability, flexibility, forearm and hand gripping power.

    对长期坚持长跑锻炼的 6 0岁以上老年人进行了身体素质和运动能力测试 ,结果表明 ,长跑锻炼对老年人的心血管系统、呼吸系统、神经系统和下肢肌肉力量有良好作用 ,效果明显 ,可推迟心血管系统和呼吸系统的衰老 ,而对平衡能力、柔韧性、前臂和手的握力效果不显著。

    To discuss the female long-distance race athlete s special physical quality target system constitution,the forecast model,the evaluation criteria,the diagnosis,and the assessment method through document,interview,Delphi,investigation and Mathematical statistics were employed.


    Man-made factors influencing modern middle and long distance race training;


    The paper has introduced the methods to use cardiotach ometer hive appraising the cardiorespiratory function and judge adaptation of amateur from cardiotach ometer change in order to promote the efficiency in selection and training to juvenile amateur of middle and long distance race.


    Based on literature research,investigation and interview,the meaning,contents and functions of physical exercises of young athletes in middle and long distance race are expounded.

    采用文献资料、调查访问等方法 ,论述了青少年中长跑运动员身体素质训练的含义、内容及作用 ;从当今中长跑运动的突出特征是既要耐力又要有很高的速度水平出发 ,论述了速度、速度耐力、速度力量在中长跑训练中的意义及作用 ;从运动生理学角度论述了中长跑身体素质训练的理论和方法 ,旨在为各级中长跑运动员进行身体素质训练时提供参

    I was a tired man when the long race was over.


    The following canters are recognised: Working canter, Lengthening of Strides, Collected canter, Medium canter and Extended canter.


    Events on the track consist of sprints, middle distance races, long distance races, relays, hurdles, barriers, and marathon-the extreme distance race.


    I'm a long-distance runner, not a sprinter.

    我是长跑运动员, 不是短跑运动员.

    Coulthard went32 laps, Klien the longest of all at35.


    The track events will include dashes,middle distance races,long distance races,etc.


    Nancy: Thismeans she runs short distances, very fast. Sprinters have troublerunning long distances, that's for long distance, or cross country runners.


    Every winter, he does long-distance running.


    Long-distance runners need staying-power.


    A long-distance runner must be long-winded.


    The Significance of 400m Acceleration-600m Jog Circulation Change Speed Training to the Medium Distance Running Results;


    To outrun, especially in a long - distance race.


    Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another.


    We prefer to do mainly sprint and little long distance running in stead of weight training.


    My speed in long races had been declining since I had become a masters runner.


    The Beijing Spring Long-distance Running Event, International Long-distance Running Festival, the Beijing Marathon and other traditional sports events shall continue to be held as always.


    The Comparation and Analysis to the Middle-distance Race Training between University and the Professional Team;


    On the flat, there are sprints, middle distance races and long distance races.


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