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head of department[HoD]是什么意思



1)head of department[HoD],部门首长2)HoD [head of department],部门首长3)sector,部门4)Department,部门5)IT department,IT部门6)secretor,部门7)dept.,部门8)ministry,部门9)dept.=department,部门10)Sectors,部门


    The paper introduces the characteristics of China′s industry structure and energy intensity;analyses the carbon dioxide emission-reduction technology potential and the emission-reduction cost of various sectors in China;puts forward the obstacles for carbon dioxide emission-reduction in sectors;and discusses policies and measures to mitigate carbon dioxide emission in various sectors.


    The status and function of government department in higher eduction;


    On the Main Body,Responsibility and Efficacy of Departmental Budget;


    The author has chosen 4 departments(engineering te ch nical,planning and economic,material and goods supply,financiaal)having importan t effect on an enterprise from the strategy-making level in the organization str ucture,illustrated and analyzed their existing situations and problems.

    从组织结构中的决策层选取了对企业具有重要影响的 4个部门 (工程技术部门、计经部门、物资供应部门、财务部门 ) ,对它们的现状和存在的问题做了描述和分析 ,暴露出企业在经营管理上的不足 ,进而提出这些部门适宜的职责和实现的途径。

    Research on the Orientation and Strategy of IT Department in Chinese Enterprises;


    It is very important for managers to continuously improve the service quality according to the results of the IT department s internal service quality evaluation.


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