- channel-design decisions渠道设计决策
- channel intermediaries渠道中间商
- channel institutions渠道组织结构
- give up the practice of "eating from the same big pot" abolish egalitarianism取消大锅饭
- Cancel取消,作废
- abolish the welfare-oriented distribution (allocation) of public housing取消福利分房
- trade reversals [options]取消交易[期权]
- reversal contract [options]取消交易合约[期权]
- disbar取消律师资格
- to cancel a credit取消信用证
- COD (cancellation of debt)取消债务
- people out of the loop圈外人士
- franco全部费用在内价
- full liability全部责任
- ok. all correct全部正确
- TA total asset全部资产,资产
- full costing profitability analysis全成本盈利性分析
- full coverage全额承保
- full progressive income tax全额累进所得税
- all-dimensional,multitiered and wide-ranging opening pattern全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放格局
- full-service wholesalers全方位服务的批发商
- Omnidirectional diplomatism strategem全方位外交
- Application form for inquiry into taxpayer's nationwide property information全国财产数据查询申请书
- China Business Information Building Material Market全国建材市场商情编辑部
- National Lawyer Congress全国律师代表大会
- deputy to the National People's Congress全国人大代表
- Nationwide population census全国人口普查
- the National People's Congress全国人民代表大会
- National People's Congress Standing Committee全国人民代表大会常务委员会
- the general offices of the NPC Standing Committee全国人民代表大会常务委员会办公厅
- the NPC Presidium全国人民代表大会主席团
- Nat'l Children's Work Coordination Committee全国少年儿童工作协调委员会
- Nat'l Council on Cultural and Art Work for Children全国少年儿童文化艺术委员会
- China Society of History全国史学会
- National Hygienic City全国卫生城市
- national accounting firm全国性会计公司
- Commandant,National Police Cadet Corps全国学生警察团指挥官
- NASDAQ National Association od Securities全国证券商自动报价系统协会
- cinepanoramic全景电影
- Full全面的,完全的
- o. a. overall全面的、综合的
- across-the-board tariff reduction全面降低关税
- complete prohibition and thorough destruction nuclear weapons全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器
- go into (enter) full operation;be full operation;be fully operational全面投产开工
- across-the-board cut全面削减
- Across the board全面一致,全盘的
- sport for all program全民健身计划纲要
- ownership by the whole people全民所有制
- all-around winner全能冠军
- YTM yield to maturity全期收益,到期收益
- global standardization strategy全球标准化战略
- Global bearer warrant全球不记名认股权证
- World-wide Property全球财产
- global adjustments全球调整
- global system of multilateral trade全球多边贸易体系
- Global offering全球发行
- global niche strategy全球机会战略
- Global finance全球金融,全球财务
- Global financial firm/institution全球金融公司/机构,世界性金融公司/机构
- World Financial System全球金融体系
- global elite consumer segment全球精英消费品市场
- W.A.C.C.C. Worldwide Air Cargo Commodity Classfication全球空运商品分类
- global teenage segment全球青少年市场
- global market全球市场
- global-market expansion全球市场扩张
- World-wide Income全球所得
- Global Tone全球通
- Global coordinator全球协调人
- global integration,globality全球一体化,全球化
- global system for mobile communications (GSM)全球移动通信系统(全球通)
- Wrap worldwide receivables assurance protection全球应收账款担保措施
- global marketing control全球营销控制
- Global Depository Receipt全球预托证券,全球存股证
- general agency全权代理
- general power of attorney全权代理委托书
- all weather全天候
- quality project全优工程
- Officer-in-Charge NSF Section全职国民服役组组长
- exclusively-invested enterprises全资企业
- contingency planning权变计划
- Premium权酬,期权金,权利金,溢价
- Bill of Rights权力法案
- Registration of the Transfer of Rights权利变更登记
- protection of right权利的保护
- rights issues权利股发行
- Income from Royalties权利金所得
- punishment of depriving rights权利刑
- call options on an equity权益(证券)的买入期权
- Equity权益,股本,资产净值
- equity to debt ratio权益对债务比率