- supplemental credit追加信贷
- additional margin追加押金,追加保证金
- twisting at head追捻
- retroactive adjustment追溯性调整
- hindcast追算
- means of recourse追索办法
- walking out追索露头法
- trace horizon追踪层位
- dog course追踪航线
- fleeting system追踪系统
- wimble锥,钻,钻孔清除器
- cone-and-plate sensor system锥板传感系统
- cone rheology measurement锥板流变性测量法
- cone-and-plate rheometer锥板流变仪
- cone-and-plate viscosimeter锥板粘度计
- bevel gear pair锥齿轮副
- conic reducer锥齿轮减速器
- sloping bottom tank锥底罐
- Conophyton锥叠层石属
- nose row锥顶齿圈
- cone-apex angle锥顶角
- Acrophyllum锥顶珊瑚属
- conicity锥度
- cone gauge,taper gage(gauge)锥度量规
- tapered screw锥度螺旋,锥形螺钉
- tpf锥度英尺
- cone height锥高度
- Auritulina锥角孢属
- degree of coning锥进程度
- coning behavior锥进动态
- breakthrough height锥进高度
- coning control锥进控制
- coning simulation锥进模拟
- coning curve锥进曲线
- coning characteristic锥进特征
- coning effect锥进效应
- csk锥口孔
- cone die锥模
- zahn viscosity锥盘粘度
- conical-tower platform锥塔形平台
- sloped footing锥体基础
- outer end of the cone锥体外端
- cone penetration锥体针入度
- axis of cone,cone axis锥体轴
- conicylindrical viscometer锥筒粘度计
- tentlike projection锥突
- angle of taper锥削角
- tapered half-coupling锥形半联轴器
- Tapered wave锥形波
- tapered glass tube锥形玻璃管
- cone-shaped gear锥形齿
- Conical involute gear锥形齿轮
- tapered window锥形窗口
- cone rope socket锥形电缆座
- cone roof,conical roof锥形顶
- cone packer锥形封隔器
- taper attachment锥形附件
- taper-type dropper锥形工具
- conical roller bearing,radial tapered roller bearing锥形滚柱轴承
- tapered step-core bit锥形阶梯取心钻头
- tapered joint锥形节
- pyramidal jointing锥形节理
- tapered hole锥形井眼
- tapered channel锥形孔道断面
- countersinking锥形扩孔
- tapered ledge reamer锥形扩孔器
- bevel clutch,cone clutch,conical clutch锥形离合器
- tapered cup nut锥形螺帽
- laed and taper gage锥形螺纹规
- bevelled sealing surface锥形密封面
- conical cavity锥形模腔
- cione friction coupling锥形摩擦联轴节
- conical cup pig锥形皮碗清管器
- tapered core bit锥形取心钻头
- conical plug,tapered plug锥形塞
- taper lock ring set锥形锁紧环组件
- cone conductor锥形体
- conical depression锥形洼地
- cone pin,conical pin,drift,taper pin锥形销
- taper male threads锥形阳螺纹
- tapered transition section锥形转换节
- tapered array锥形组合
- Conicoidium锥藻属
- cone intrusion锥状侵入体
- cone delta锥状三角洲
- cone dike锥状岩墙
- Thymospora赘瘤单缝孢属
- F.O.准备出发
- preparatory work准备工作
- reserve ratio准备金比率