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conical-tower platform是什么意思



1)conical-tower platform,锥塔形平台2)stepped cone pulley,锥形塔轮3)conical platform,锥体平台4)truncated right angle cone,圆锥台形5)cone boss,锥形凸台6)tower-type platform,塔式平台


    As a rapid calculation of radioactive shield attenuation in truncated cone, the cross points penetrated through the truncated right angle cone shielded region from source points to the detector point have been studied via numerical analysis.

    提出一种数值解析法计算从放射线源到评价点的放射线所穿透圆锥台形屏蔽物体的交点坐标 ,从而可快速预测辐射屏蔽衰减率。

    A resultant mechanical model for the forming process of cone boss;


    By analyzing cone bosses forming mechanism in different bulk formations,the forming process of cone bosses was divided into two characteristic time-intervals based on modular design method,one being extrusion processing,and the other being the process of the die corner overflowed by deformable body.


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