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conical depression是什么意思



1)conical depression,锥形洼地2)water logged zone,低洼地形3)tidal current intrusion,碟形洼地4)kame-and-kettle topography,阜洼地形5)dish-shaped pit,碟形洼地群6)Diwa,地洼


    With water logged zone of low-lying land in Xinxiang as an example, analysis is made on forming causes of water logged zone.


    Based on the 1∶50000 Beijing—Hebei topographic map completed in 1926, a peculiar landform: dish-shaped pit groups was found in the Baiyangdian drainage area in the western part of the Hebei plain in North China.

    用计算机数字地形模拟 (DTM)方法对该洼地的个体形态和总体分布特征进行研究 ,并与国内外其他地区已报道的陨石雨冲击坑对照 ,判断白洋淀流域的碟形洼地群可能是分布在第四纪松散沉积物上的陨石冲击坑的遗迹。

    MINERALIZATION AT TRANSITION ROOM AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE ──Taking Uranium Ore Deposits in the Southeast China Diwa Region as Examples;


    There is a close relationship between occurrence of nonmetallic minerals and tectonic evolution of geosyncline,platform and diwa(geodepression)on the western margin of the Dongting diwa.


    Based upon diwa metallogenetic theory,the division and evolution of geotectonic units in the province were studied in this paper,and there are 2Ⅰ class、3Ⅱ class、7Ⅲ class and 45Ⅳ class tectonic units in the whole province limits.


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