- interlacing dot交织纹
- gate marks浇口残痕
- sprue gate浇注口
- gluey胶的
- plimsolls胶底帆布鞋
- agglomerating; agglomerative,jellous胶凝的
- latex adhesive胶乳接合剂
- latex thread胶乳线
- rubber bag molding胶襄旋压成型
- gluing胶粘,胶合
- adhesive tape胶粘带
- adhesive backing胶粘底布
- coking malt焦麦芽
- caramel焦糖
- Keratin fibres角蛋白纤维
- angular seaming角缝纫
- hank can绞罐
- splice position绞接位置
- crossingwarp; crossingends; crossed,ends; doupend; doupwarp,thread,whip绞经
- winch beck绞盘染槽
- winch dyeing绞盘绳状染色
- skein绞纱
- drying reel绞纱烘燥用框架
- drumhankwinder,hank yarn spooling machine;hank-to-bobbin winding machine;hank winder;hank-to-cone win绞纱络筒机
- hanksizing绞纱上浆
- minced meat绞碎肉
- Doup绞综
- agitated pan drier搅拌盘型干燥器
- crutching搅和
- churning搅奶
- whipped cream搅奶油
- churn,milk agitator,whisk搅乳器
- dalmatic教士法衣
- yeast clouding酵母混浊
- yeast containing dough酵母面团
- The Leaven Educates酵母培养
- yeast culture plant酵母培养设备
- yeast factory酵母生产厂
- yeast strain酵母种族
- gradual dryer阶段式干燥机
- cascade milk cooler阶式牛奶冷却器
- contact pressure molding接触加压成形
- contact pressure resin接点压力树脂
- seamer接缝机
- stitching warp接结经纱
- tying up the harness接结通丝
- pitching yeast接种用酵母
- choker bar节哩
- restricted gate节两口
- connective tissue结缔织物
- structural plastic结构塑料
- structural adhesive结构性粘着剂
- knop fancy yarn结节花式线
- machine,warptyingmachine; warpknotting结经机
- end of the knot结头尾
- knottyer,knop yarn;knopped yarn;knot yarn;nubby结子花线
- knot efficiency结子效率
- proteolytic activity解蛋白活度
- thawing point解冻点
- untwister解捻机
- proteolytic enzyme解朊酶
- mustard oil芥菜油
- emery machine金刚砂机
- aurin金精
- metalfilament金属长丝
- metallic roller金属罗拉
- metallizedfibre; metal-coatedfibre金属涂层纤维
- metal fiber金属纤维
- metallic stearate金属硬脂酸盐
- metal card clothing金属针布
- metallic card金属针布梳理机
- metal heddle金属综片
- tightwarp; tightend紧经
- high twisted yarn,hard twist yarn;hard spun;hard thread紧捻纱
- corset紧身胸衣
- bodice fabric紧身胸衣织物
- skin packaging紧缩包装
- close contact adhesive近缝粘合剂
- feed opening进料孔
- drawingoff浸出汁
- mercerisation; mercerization浸碱作用
- dipped fabric浸胶布
- steep water change浸水变水
- diffusion battery浸提仆电池
- pdc process浸轧 烘干 焙烘法
- pad dyer浸轧机
- pad-jig dyeing浸轧卷染法
- pad steam machine浸轧汽蒸机
- pad steam dyeing浸轧汽蒸染色
- pad steam finishing浸轧汽蒸整理法