The knotty yarn has two forms of rupture and their strength and elongation properties make a great difference.
结子线有两种断裂形式 ,纱线的强伸性能有较大差别 ;圈圈线的强伸性能主要由芯纱决定 ;氨纶包缠纱由氨纶提供弹性 ,由包缠在氨纶外侧的非弹性纱决定纱线的强力。
The C-G rule and the C-G coefficients are calculated and the intertwiner for tensor representations in different orders is constructed with C-G coefficients.
The intertwiner for tensor representations in different ordersis constructed with C-G coefficients.
Design and spin fancy yarns with polyester filament,mainly spiral yarn,seed yarn and circle yarn,and test the fineness,tensile break strength,elongation and twist of the spinned yarn,which provides the material performance basis for the late fabric design.
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