A research on acid hot-pressure oxidation pretreatment of a certain refractory gold concentrate;
Experimental research on cyanidation process of the gold concentrate containing As,Sb and C;
Process development for the gold concentrate roasting-cyanide leaching in China;
Features of gold refining processes and selection applied;
Based on the plant practice of Chenzhou Mine Limited Company, the factors, such as the flow process, slag type, mixing, bed capability, feed column, blasting and front bed, are analyzed in the process of volatilization smelting on Antimony-Gold concentrate in blast furnace.
根据生产实践 ,对鼓风炉挥发熔炼锑金精矿的流程、渣型、配料、床能力、料柱、鼓风、前床等有关方面进行工艺分析 ,为获得合理的工艺条件 ,稳定Sb、Au生产提出了建议。
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