- Preferential policy for bankruptcy and merger对破产和兼并企业的优惠政策
- investment in enterprise对企业投资
- SCORE special claim on residual equity对剩余财产净值的特别要求权
- adjustment of yield对收益的调整
- Counterparty credit exposure对手的信贷风险
- investment in outside unit对外单位投资
- opening to the outside world对外开放
- external account对外帐户
- judgement inter parties对席判决
- contra balance对销余额
- rights to information对信息的认股权
- contrasting accounts对帐
- fo. folio对折、页码
- to honor a cheque兑付
- exchange risk兑换风险
- demand rate兑现率,兑现汇率
- cash system兑现系统
- T. ton;tare吨,包装重量,皮重
- Tonn. tonnage吨位(数)
- buy and hold strategy囤仓策略
- fl. florin盾
- florin盾(荷兰)
- guilder盾(苏里南)
- t/km ton kilometer顿/千米
- CoCom Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls多边出口控制协调委员会
- Multilateral loan多边贷款
- multilateral tariff negotiation多边关税谈判
- MERM multilateral exchange rate model多边汇率模型
- Multi-Lateral Netting多边净额
- multilateral aid多边援助
- dobra多布拉(圣多美和普林西比)
- Multiple-Level Marketing多层次传销
- multiple claim多次(重复)索赔
- joint act civil legal act多方民事法律行为
- Multinational Companies多国籍企业
- Multilateral Tax Treaties多国租税协议
- Multi-stage Taxation多阶段课税
- Toronto Raptors多伦多猛龙队
- Toronto Futures Exchange多伦多期货交易所
- Toronto Stock Exchange多伦多证券交易所
- Head Multimedia多媒体主任
- to assure years of trouble-free service.多年使用,不出故障
- Increase capital and reduce debts through various多渠道增资减债
- a long position多头寸,买进的期货合同
- buying long多头买升
- long arbitrage多头套利
- long position多头头寸
- long account多头账户
- Diversification多元化,分散投资
- Coexistence of various economic composition多种经济成分共存
- Common development of multi-economic sectors多种经济成分共同发展
- diversified economy多种经营
- diversified company多种经营公司
- multiple tariff多重关税
- The more sons/children,the more blessing/ great happiness多子多福
- Russian俄罗斯
- Russian interpreter俄语翻译
- authorized capital stock,authorized share capital额定股本
- excess cost额外成本
- Praecipium额外酬金
- Excess额外的,余额,超额
- additional mark on额外加成
- additional profit额外收入
- X.P. expres paye=extra message paid额外通讯费付讫,已令函奉上
- El Nino厄尔尼诺现象
- risk of bad odour(change of flavour)恶味险,变味险
- malicious damage恶意损害
- M. D. malicious damage恶意损坏
- possession in illwill恶意占有
- crocodile tears鳄鱼的眼泪
- term of benevolence恩惠期间
- pediatrician儿科医师
- second board on the country's stock market二板市场(创业板市场)
- growth enterprise board;second board;hi-tech board二板市场,创业板市场
- second round of oil and gas exploration of China二次创业
- secondary mortgage二次抵押
- Secondary offering二级发行,次级发行
- secondary securities market二级证券市场
- entering the reeducation place again二进宫
- Duplicate Uniform Invoice二联式统一发票
- scrub,second-rater二流选手
- second instance二审
- case of trial of second instance二审案件
- Committee of Twenty(Paris Club)二十国委员会
- Used Goods二手货
- Second liner/second line stock二线股
- Crime rate发案率
- publication right发表权
- bus timetable发车时刻表
- developed market economy发达市场经济