After long distant West-East Gas Pipeline and Shaanxi-Beijing Gas Pipeline II with high pressures and large diameters were constructed and put into operation successively,some new acquaintanceship and experience have been obtained in domestic high pressure and large diameter pipeline material selection.
side cut 1 and Vac.
Adopted two--lines model, the mathematics relationship of structure activity has been established by multiplex step regressions.
Second-line chemotherapy in sensitive or refractory small cell lung cancer after primary treatment with platinum and etoposide;
Paclitaxel-based regimens as second-line chemotherapy for patients with advanced gastric cancer;
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the second-line treatment on patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC).
Objective To observe the efficacy of Paclitaxel (PTX) combined with Carboplatin (CBP) and Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) to reverse multi-drug resistance, or PCM regimen, in second-line treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer, and the influence of MPA on diet, weight and marrow of the patients.
Objective To explore the effect of changed ways of second line nurse s "on-duty" in pediatric ward.
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