- SPV特殊功能公司
- Average Up提高平均价格
- facility letter提供贷款通知书,贷款确认书
- delivery order提货单,交割单
- Presenting Officer提控官
- Nomination Committee提名委员会
- Angel Investor天使投资者
- Act of God Bond天灾债券
- Regulation A条例A
- Regulation D条例D
- Regulation FD (Reg FD)条例FD
- Regulation G条例G
- Regulation M条例M
- Regulation Q条例Q
- Regulation T条例T
- Regulation U条例U
- leap-frogging跳增
- Discount Window贴现窗
- Discount Note贴现票据、折扣票据
- discount-cash flow贴现现金流
- discount house贴现行,贴现公司
- suspension of trading停牌,暂停买卖
- market closure停市
- post-cessation receipt停业后的收入
- post-cessation payment停业后的支出
- demonetization停止通用,非货币化
- demonetized currency note停止通用纸币
- usual rate of net profit通常纯利润率
- ordinary course of business通常业务运作
- Reflation通货复涨、通货在膨胀
- deflationary force通货紧缩力量
- underlying trend of inflation通货膨胀基本趋势
- indicator of inflation通货膨胀指标,通胀指标
- GE Capital Finance Ltd.通用金融财务有限公司
- Class Action同级诉讼
- letter of release同意释款书
- statistical analysis and modelling统计分析及编制统计模型
- statistical summary统计摘要,统计概要
- marketing organization facility统营设施
- tender label投标标签
- tender offer投标出价,收购要约
- tender validity投标的有效期
- tender specifications投标规定
- tender report投标评估报告
- tender selection投标甄选
- tender selection criteria and marking scheme投标甄选准则及评分制度
- tender index投标指数
- Speculation Lash投机冲击
- aleatory operation投机活动
- speculative position投机盘
- profiteer投机商人,奸商,倒爷
- speculative pressure投机压力
- voting right trust投票信托
- Voting Trust Agreement投票信托协议
- complaints officer投诉主任
- Cash Flow Return on Investment (CFROI)投资的现金流回报
- Declarations of Cooperation on Investment Management Persons投资管理合作声明
- return rate of investment投资回报率
- sum invested投资款项
- Investment Vehicle投资媒体
- Sentiment Indicator投资情绪指标
- investment bankers投资银行家
- Investor Education and Communications Unit投资者教育及传讯小组(证券及期货事务监察委员会)
- Investor Compensation Company投资者赔偿公司
- ROIC投资资金回报率
- Portfolio Manager投资组合经理
- Portfolio Income投资组合收入
- portfolio movement投资组合转移
- portfolio value投资组合总市值
- land cost element土地成本因素
- Land Fund土地基金(香港特别行政区政府土地基金)
- devisee土地遗赠继承人,受遗赠人
- stamp duty on conveyance of land土地转让印花税
- outgoing partner退出的合伙人
- Exit Strategy退出投资策略
- dishonored bill,note dishonoured,to refund a ticket退票
- drawback退税,退款
- Occupational Retirement Schemes Division退休计划部(财经事务局)
- escrow account托管户口,记帐账户
- trusteeship托管权
- delinquency rate拖欠率,过期还款比率
- tax in default拖欠税款
- delinquency拖欠债务
- proper books of account妥善帐簿
- proper account妥善帐目
- Development Division拓展部(公司注册处)
- foreign currency holding外币持有量,外币储备
- foreign currency sovereign debt外币国债
- translation of foreign currencies外币换算
- foreign currency funding centre外币融资中心