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中文翻译v. 论述,写论文


1)dissert,v. 论述,写论文2)V-A theory,V-A理论3)M-V theory,M-V理论4)V-N theory,V-N理论5)On "V+shang/xia,论"V上/下"6)R&V theory,R&V理论


    Compared with conceptual metaphor theory,conceptual integration is powerful in terms of metaphorical interpretation;however,conceptual integration cannot offer satisfactory solutions to the appearance of emergent structure in the mental processing of metaphorical interpretation whereas V-N theory advocated by Veatch can do.

    与概念隐喻理论相比较,概念合成理论对隐喻具有更强的解读力,但它仍无法对隐喻解读中概念合成空间中新显结构产生的原因给一个令人了然的解答;而Veat ch的V-N理论似乎可以补其不足,对合成空间中新显结构产生的原因给予较好的说明。

    And then based on the RT-CB theories,it combines the V-N theory and optimal innovativeness hypothesis so as to probe production mechanism of humor.


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