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archimedean valuation是什么意思



1)archimedean valuation,阿基米德赋值2)non archimedean valuation,非阿基米德赋值3)Archimedes,阿基米德4)Achilles,阿基琉斯5)the Agiadae,阿基斯族6)Aquilonian stage,阿基隆阶7)Achilles,阿基里斯8)Archimedes principle,阿基米德法9)Archimedes bridge,阿基米德桥10)Archimedes Number,阿基米德数


    Methods of Partitioning Remaining Parts in Archimedes and Liu Hui s Ideas for Finding Areas;


    A Study on the Introduction into China of Archimedes s Physics Theory and Its Application;


    At the same time,Archimedes gives an exact proof on the formula of area of circle,with the method of exhaustion method depending on the Cyclotomic.


    The Contrast Between Two Kinds of Heroes:Achilles and Odysseus;


    This paper tries to analyze Iliad by looking at its narrative structure,hero Achilles,its plot and style, and ends up identifying its “Triangle Modes”, which are respectively stable, solid, complex and harmonious.

    荷马史诗作为古希腊文学的最高成就 ,古今中外对它的解读可谓层出不穷 ,本文试从荷马史诗《伊利亚特》的叙事结构、主要人物阿基琉斯、情节内容和风格入手挖掘到其所呈现出来的不同的“三角图式” :稳定的、立体的、复杂的、和谐的。

    About this institution, there are two basic facts to state: firstly, the two basileis came from two royal families with the equal status, the Agiadae and the Eurypontidae, and the kingship was passed.


    Abstract: The density of potassium fluotantalate and its mixed melt salt system with sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium fluoride and potassium fluoride are measured by Archimedes principle.

    用阿基米德法测定了氟钽酸钾及其与氯化钠、氯化钾、氟化钠、氟化钾等混合熔盐体系在熔融状态下的密度, 用线性回归分析方法导出了各熔盐体系的密度与温度的关系。

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