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Gaussian quadrature是什么意思



1)Gaussian quadrature,高斯型求积2)Gaussian quadrature,高斯求积3)double-Gauss quadrature,高斯求积组4)Gaussian integration method,高斯求积法5)Gauss-Laguerre quadrature,高斯-拉盖尔求积6)Gaussian quadrature formulas,高斯求积公式


    The results of numerical computation reveal that the adoption of 2×2 Gaussian quadrature can satisfy both accuracy and efficiency requirements for computation of induced velocity and hydrodynamic forces.

    首先阐述了基于四边形面元几何特性的二重高斯型求积公式 。

    In this paper,the double Gaussian quadrature formula based on quadrilateral panel s geometrical peculiarity is illuminated and then its application for calculating the induced velocity in panel center and the hydrodynamic forces is discussed.


    Computation of Green s tensor integrals for electromagnetic problems using Gaussian quadrature and continued fraction;


    These extensions lead to generalized Gaussian quadrature formulas which have high algebraic precision.


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