Edge-detect of welding defects in DR based on the theory of edge-detection;
The FPGA Realization for Digital Image Post-processing Algorithms of Model Edge-based;
Algorithm of image registration based on edge matching and multi-scale wavelet transformation;
China s environmental and resources systems tend to be marginalized.
They start from the margin,using their own language during the representing of the state of existence and spiritual world.
It can not meet the social requirements,and the role of vocational education has been marginalized.
Construction Based on Standpoint of Periphery ——Comparison between Literature Standpoints of Shen Congwen and Ogokensaburo;
The Dispelling of Center and Regress of Periphery;
In this article, by analogizing “periphery” and “recreation”, we analyzed the peripheral culture in provincial cities, taking the example of Shantou city.
Construction of “Fringe”——On the Planning Design of Residential Areas of Urban New Areas;
The researches on city space is much more concerned with the space body itself than its fringe area.
Based on the previous researches, this paper aims to analyze the various latent factors that led to his transition in writing from the new angle of his position in cultural fringes, the temperament and humor peculiar to the writers of Shanghai school, and his notion that conducting oneself well in society must come before writing.
本文试图在他人研究的基础上 ,更深一步地从林语堂身处各种文化的边缘 ,以海派文人特有的性情、气质立世著文的新角度来分析导致他转型的种种潜在因
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