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bernoulli method是什么意思



1)bernoulli method,伯努利法2)Bernoulli iteration,伯努利迭代法3)Bernoulli numbers,伯努利数4)Bernoulli sets,伯努利集5)Bernoulli force,伯努利力6)Daniel Bernoulli (1700~1782),伯努利,D.


    The treatise here is about the history of Bernoulli numbers and two kinds of Euler numbers in both East and West, on which compare between ancient Chinese mathematics and that of western Europe has been done, and some new results are presented.


    In this paper,we give two combinatorial results on Bernoulli sets over n-letter alphabet which is the partly generalization of the results by Aldo.

    得到了伯努利集在n个字母情况下的两个组合性质,从而推广了Aldo de Luca相应的研究结果,同时给出了n=3时的两个推论。

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