Nonexistence of Positive Solutions to Quasilinear Elliptic Obstacle Problems with Critical Exponents;
The Study of Regional Folklore:Its Theory、Existence、Inheritance and Dissemination;
Mechanism analysis existing in enterprise s human resources risk;
Fiction,Reference and Nonexistence——The Truth Problem and Its Solutions;
He is an existential hero who is bold to act and has the courage to shoulder the responsibility, linking individual with society, ideological and action.
Falling of Time ——Merleau-Ponty s way of Phenomenology from time to being;
A Generative Game of Language,Being and Thought——An Enigma of Heidegger’s Later Thought;
New probe into the theory of being and its value in Marx s philosophy;
Sein","Dasein"and"Shi Fei":Zhuang Zi and Heidegger s Opinions on the Issue of Human Existence;
Among the modern thoughts,the idea of "life" has become a fundamental horizon of thoughts which does not indicate any beings(Seiendes),but ‘to be’(Sein).
Again the metaphysical idea “shi (是)” is from the characteristic of copula of the more original “shi (是)”, which is a pre-metaphysical idea as Sein itself.
作为价值判断的“是非”观念 ,来源于作为形而上学观念的早期“是”的存在者化的指代神圣性 ;而这种形而上学的“是”观念 ,又来源于前形而上学的更为原始的“是”“时”的标示存在本身的系词性 ;这种原始的“是”“时”观念 ,乃是华夏先民的源始的生存之领会与解释。
The designs of developing modes under the guide of the small and medium enterprise existing theories,and the princiles for the choice of developing modes;
As an age-old language, "existing" is human life s eternal theme.
因此 ,对于人类整体而言 ,生存的阐释和探析 ,能够使人类正视自己的生存 ,从而引导人们的超越性 ,走向人类本身的存
For his discussion on the basic issues of metaphysics concerning the relationship between "being" and "nothingness", he holds that the "being" is "the presence of perminent habitation" while the "nothingness" is "the presence of perminent habitation" without the "being", which does "exist".
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