In utilising the techniques of rearranged functions, we proved that for a martingale f we have ‖M αf‖ Φ≤C pΦ ‖f # α‖ Φ and the same result for (Mf,S (p) (f)+D ∞), (Mf∧Sf,Mf∧Sf+D ∞).
本文利用重排函数不等式 ,证明了几个鞅不等式 ,这些不等式包含R 。
Based on the theory of nonlinear state observer,by selecting suitable nonlinear gain function in observer,which makes the closed-loop error system globally exponentially stable or app.
Then, incomplete beta function is applied to enhance the image\'s global contrast in the low frequency subband, and nonlinear gain function is used to process the coefficients at each scale in the directional bandpass subbands respectively, which suppresses small coefficients and enhances big coefficients by threshold denoising method.