Let Un and Vn be Lucas numbers,the fractional transformation sum of one kind of Lucas numbers are discussed and several identities are acquired.
Let Un and Vn be Lucas number, the fraction sum of Lucas numbers is discussed and calculation formulas is given.
The paper analyses fraction sum of Fibonacci and Lucas number, and obtains a number of interesting constant equations.
Computation of Green s tensor integrals for electromagnetic problems using Gaussian quadrature and continued fraction;
For this method,the solution of a nonlinear monotone function,which is very common in electromagnetic soundings,is obtained via continued fraction iteration technique.
该方法利用连分式迭代求解非线性方程技术 ,直接对均匀半空间电偶源瞬变电磁法观测的垂直磁场与电阻率的非线性方程直接求解。
Newton s polynomials interpolation and Thiele s branched continued fraction interpolation have important po- sition in linear and nonlinear interpolation, respectively.
Optimality condition for fractional programming on strict B-preinvex functions;
We discuss the fractional programming model of maximizing the rate of return on a portfolio under risk changing with the investmant on the market whose transaction cost is the linear function of investment.
This paper gives general term formula of n order self-iteration for linear fraction by the method of matrix eigenvalue, proves that for each positive integer n3, there are infinite linear fractions of period n in self-iteration, gives period and Attractive Point of self-iteration for linear fractional faction.
应用矩阵特征值的方法推导出线性分式的 n次自迭代通项公式 ,证明了对于任意的自然数 n 3 ,存在无穷多以 n为自迭代周期的线性分式 ,给出了线性分式函数的自迭代周期和吸引子的较全面的刻画 。
Wang Ya-ling proved that for each positive integer n≥3,there is a linear fraction of period n in self-iteration.
In order to restrain odd-order harmonic distortion and common model disturbing signal effectively, a MOCCⅡ-based filter circuit with high-order fully differential leapfrog-type current mode is presented and corresponding design scheme is proposed.
A fully differential second-order current mode MOCCII based filter with multi-function is presented in the paperThe second-order low-pass, band-pass and high-pass filters can be realized simultaneously.
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