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convolution of distributions是什么意思



1)convolution of distributions,广义函数卷积2)convolution of distributions,广义函数的卷积3)generalized convolution algebra,广义卷积代数4)generalized convolution,广义卷积5)broad integral of positive function,正函数广义积分6)integration of generalized function,广义函数积分


    With the theory of Hun semigroups,we proved that any regular generalized convolution algebra,with the generalized convolution operation and endowed with the weak- ly convergent topology,forms a metrizable,stable and normable Hun semigroup,without non-unity idempotent elements.

    利用 Hun 半群理论,证明了任一正则广义卷积代数,按广义卷积运算和弱收敛拓扑构成一个可度量化。

    The generalized convolution of probability measures defined on R+=[0,∞) was extended to the compact space =[0,∞]in an alternative way,comparing with that one used by Urbanik.

    把定义在半直线 R+=[0,∞)上概率测度的广义卷积推广到了紧空间 +=[0,∞]上。

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