The definition and geodetic fundamental constants of Chinese geocentric 3D coordinate system(CGCS 2000)is concisely introduced,which will be employed since July 1,2008.
简要介绍2008年7月1日启用的中国地心坐标系统2000(CGCS 2000)的定义及其采用的大地测量基本常数,并对CGCS 2000的坐标框架进行了评述:它应该是高精度,涵盖全部陆海国土,动态,具有方便用户的密度和分布,它由全球导航卫星系统国家级连续运行站网和国家高精度大地控制网这两部分组成。
the definition of the system, the geodetic fundamental constants and tidal correction.
讨论了我国科学地采用地心三维大地坐标系时 ,主要涉及到的该坐标系的定义、采用的大地测量基本常数以及与此有关的潮汐改正等三个问题。
Amendatory constitution of crime and basic constitution of crime an a couple of concepts which are corresponding,and the former has long been approved widespread by China s criminal theory.
Its basic spirit is to expound the basic question that in the new century what kind of party our Party should be constructed.
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