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expactation vector是什么意思



1)expactation vector,期望值向量2)expected value vector,期望值向量3)expectations,期望4)anticipation,期望5)Expectation,期望6)expect,期望7)expected value,期望8)presume upon,期望9)Expectancy,期望10)desire,期望


    My expectations to the textile auxiliary and dyestuff industry in the constitution of the dyeing-printing-finishing-manufacture industry "highland" of jiangsu province;


    Those two help Forster grasp the hopes beyond the expectations.


    One is a wish at the level of inner instinct, and the other an anticipation at the level of utopia.

    布洛赫“希望美学”的内在结构由两个部分构成 ,一是本能心理层面上的渴望 ,二是乌托邦层面上的期望。

    This study focuses on the general characteristics of attribution and anticipation of the results of communication of primary and high school students.


    A Study of Inpatients Expectation of Hospital Service Qualities;


    The study on the expectation of clinical competence of nursing undergraduate student;


    The study on the expectation of working competency of clinical nurse specialist;


    For identification of estimator, the key lies in unknown expectation of estimation of parameter.

    目前在点估计的理论和实用中 ,无偏性占据很重要的地位 ,对与同一参数的不同的点估计量 ,无偏性是对估计量最基本的要求 ,无偏估计量的证明 ,关键在于求出未知参数 θ的估计 θ的期

    The western missionaries expected with immense religiuos zeal that the leaders of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom would allow them to spread holy religion and propagate Gospel before the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom made Nanjing the captical in March, 1853.

    18 5 3年 3月太平天国定都南京之前 ,西方传教士怀着极高的宗教热情 ,期望太平天国领导人允许其传播圣教和宣传福音 ;定都南京后 ,西方传教士通过对拜上帝教的感性认识与理性思考 ,认为拜上帝教是有缺点的基督教 ,必须改正其“错误”;1862年 1月 ,以罗孝全悄悄离开南京为标志 ,西方传教士对以洪秀全为首的农民领袖们的劝化开导的图谋宣告失败 ,转而公开敌视太平天国。

    We aim at the expected value and the variance of the present value.


    The maximum in density functions are discussed,the maximum in common distributions are campared with their expected value,and the minimum value in common distributions are discussed, their pratical meaning are explainde.


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