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cyclic coordinates是什么意思



1)cyclic coordinates,循环座标2)carrier cycle,锭座循环3)cyclic coordinate,循环坐标4)Cycle indicator,循环指标5)Circular labeling,循环标号6)loop header,循环首标


    This paper discusses how to use the Legendre’s transformation to transform the Lagrange’s dynamical equations into the Hamiltonian canonical equations and further, it provides a way of using the canonical transformation to change the generalized coordinate into the cyclic coordinate.

    本文探讨了如何用勒让德 ( Legendre)变换将动力学系统的拉格朗日 ( Lagrangian)方程变为哈密顿 ( Hamiltonian)正则方程 ,并进一步探讨了如何用正则 ( Canonical)变换把广义坐标变为循环坐标 ,使哈密顿正则方程易于求解。

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