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oriented contour是什么意思



1)oriented contour,有向围道2)OBB,有向包围盒3)directed path,有向道路4)directed orbit,有向轨道5)OBBTree,有向包围盒树6)longitudinal effect range,纵向有效影响范围


    Analyzing the performance of various hierarchical bounding volumes(HBVs),a fast algorithm for real-time collision detection(CD)was proposed using a structure of hybrid hierarchical bounding volume(HHBV)based on OBB and sphere BV.


    Oriented bounding box (OBB) hierarchy is a popular and efficient approach for accelerating collision detection (CD) among complex rigid models, but it can’t determine the contact status among objects far away as fast as other bounding volumes (BVs), such as axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABB) or sphere BV, because each intersection test of OBBs is much more complex than that of others.


    Based on Oriented Boundary Box Tree(OBBTree)of point cloud model,a simplified model with topological information is constructed first.


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