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directed coefficients是什么意思



1)directed coefficients,有向系2)directed triple system,有向三元系3)directed assembly relation graph,有向装配关系图4)Oriented Functional Relationship Graph,有向功能关系图5)threefold directed triple system,三重有向三元系6)directed triple systems with λ =2,二重有向三元系


    In this article, we give several direct and recursive constructions for a cyclically almost resolvable cyclic directed triple system when λ=1.


    This paper adopts such an assembly modeling method which is named as Oriented Functional Relationship Graph.

    采用了一种名为有向功能关系图 (OFRG)的机械装配建模方法 ,并详细论述其功能尺寸和非功能尺寸的设计 ,继而确定出零件的尺寸树 ,为零件的尺寸自动标注提供必要的数据信息。

    Thus the spectrum of intersections for simple threefold directed triple systems was determined.


    The intersection problem of simple directed triple systems with λ =2 is completely solved, namely, it is proved that for v ≡0,1 (mod 3), v ≥3,there exist two simple DTS( v ,2)s intersecting in s triple if and only if, s∈{0,1,2,…,2v(v-1)/3},s≠[2v(v-1)/3]-1, while v≥4 s∈{0,2,4},while v=


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