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left primitive ideal是什么意思



1)left primitive ideal,左本原理想2)strongly left primitive ideals,强左本原理想3)essential left ideals,本质左理想4)Primitive ideal,本原理想5)essential left(right)ideals,本质左(右)理想6)H-primitive ideal,H本原理想


    This paper consists of three parts: Introductions of Hilbert C~*-modules, Topolog-ically graded Toeplitz cross sectional algebras over Fell bundles, The Primitive idealsand Invariant ideals of Toeplitz algebras.

    本文由以下三个部分组成:Hilbert C~*-模简介,Fell丛上的拓扑分次Toeplitz代数丛,Toeplitz代数的本原理想和不变理想。

    We construct a kind of H-radicals,J\-H-radical,for Hopf module algebras and prove that J H(A) is the intersection of all maximal weakly regular H-left ideals of A and the intersection of all H-primitive ideals of A.


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