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  • take precautions before it is too late
  • 参考释义

    • -save[layup]againstarainyday;Don'thavethycloaktomakewhenitbeginstorain.;haveananchortowindward;haveforethought;Ingoodtimesprovisionshouldbemadeforbadtimes.;makehaywhilethesunshines;makeprovisionfor...;provide[prepare]againstarainyday[rainydays];provideagainstthefuture;provideagainsttheinclemencyoftheweather;putawayforarainyday;repairthehousebeforeitrains;takeprecautionsbeforehand;takepreventivemeasures


    • 虽说她不知道儿子长大以后究竟会怎样,但是未雨绸缪总是没有错。
      She didn't know what her son might turn out to be, but it was always well to cast an anchor to windward.
    • 虽说他不知道儿子大了以后究竟会怎样,可是未雨绸缪总没错儿。
      He did not know what his son might turn out to be, but it was always well to have an anchor to windward.
    • [谚]不要等到下雨再做雨衣;未雨绸缪。
      Have not thy cloak to make when it begins to rain.

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