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  • be in a dilemma
  • 参考释义

    • -inadilemma;beinabind;beinaquandaryabout...;beindilemma;beonthehornsofadilemma;betweenScyllaandCharybdis;betweentwofires;caughtinadilemma;inanawkwardpredicament;inafix


    • 是买辆新车呢还是去好好度个假,我左右为难,下不了决心!
      I'm so torn between buying a new car and having a good holiday, I can't decide!
    • 约翰答应汤姆去钓鱼,但他父亲要他在家里帮助干活,弄得约翰左右为难。
      John promised Tom to go fishing, but his father wanted him to help at home. John was in the middle.
    • 大卫左右为难,因为他妈妈要他呆在家里,而他爸爸要他去买东西。
      David was in a box because his mother wanted him to stay home and his father wanted him to go shopping.

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