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  • thereafter
  • thenceforward
  • thenceforth
  • since then
  • 实用例句

    • 有人出很公道的价钱要买他的旧车,但他拒绝了。其后他全然找不到买主。他由此得到深切的教训;奢求不如实得。
      He had one quite reasonable offer for his used car, but turned it down. Then he could find no taker at all. He learned with a vengeance that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
    • 妇女在分娩期或紧接其后的时期内的状况
      The state of a woman during childbirth or immediately thereafter.
    • 两个或两个以上成为其后裔的人。
      Person from whom two or more people are descended.



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