- abnormal mass异常质量
- abnormal state异常状态
- anomalous free air gradient异常自由空气梯度
- anomaly trend异常走向,异常趋势
- Heterodonta异齿目
- Heterodontoidei异齿鲨类
- anticoincidence unit异单元
- isocholestane异胆甾烷
- transported fossil异地化石
- allochthonous limestone!异地灰岩
- allochthonous thrust sheet异地逆掩鳞岩席
- allochthonous coal异地生成煤
- allochthonous block异地岩块
- isobutyronitrile异丁腈
- isoanthracene异蒽
- isoheptane异庚烷,2-甲基己烷
- Boechlensipollis异沟粉属
- isomerized异构化的
- isocompound异构化合物
- iso-paraffin异构烃
- allothrausmatic异核球颗的
- EO异-或逻辑,按位加
- calamine异极矿,菱锌矿,羟碳锌石
- adapter coupling,combination collar异径接箍
- reducing joint; reducer,condulet reducer异径接头
- increaser异径接头,连轴齿套
- stepped thread adaptor异径螺纹接头
- symmict异粒块状沉积
- heterolithic facies异粒岩相
- Heteroassociation异联想
- heterotactic异列的
- heterotaxy异列现象
- Baculexinis异瘤切壁孢属
- add without carry gate异门
- isocinnamic acid异内桂酸
- carbanilation异氰酸苯酯化作用
- isohibaene异日罗汉柏烯
- merochrome异色异构混晶
- isoparaffin异石蜡烃
- allochronic异时的
- isodigeranyl异双NFDAF牛儿基
- godet异丝辊
- exclusive-OR operator异算子
- diallyl isophthalate异酞酸二烯丙酯
- derby back异条板
- isopentylamine异戊胺
- isopentyl alcohol异戊醇
- isopentyl group异戊基
- isoprenoids异戊间二烯化合物
- isoprenoi hydrocarbon异戊间二烯烃
- isoprenoid alkane异戊间二烯型链烷烃
- pentanol iosprene异戊烯基
- isoalkene,isoolenfine,iso-olefine异烯烃
- different phases异相
- non-synchronous crank balance异相曲柄平衡
- discordant fault异向断层
- incongruous drag fold异向拖曳褶皱
- perikinetic异向运动的
- incongruous fold异向褶皱
- aci nitro异硝基,酸硝基
- contour bowl centrifuge异形沉淀式离心机
- irregular shape ring异形垫圈
- special-shaped steel异形钢材
- profiled fiber异形截面纤维
- shaped spinneret plate异形喷丝板
- profiled fibre cross-section异形纤维截面
- ahermatypic异性型,非造礁型
- Distomodus异牙形石属
- Heterolithic unconformity异岩不整合
- isoamyl cyanide异已腈
- heterofil bicomponent fibre异质双组份纤维
- hetero-filament异质丝
- homomorph effect异质同晶效应
- allomerism异质同象现象
- different quality with same form异质同形
- hetero fibre异质纤维
- dissimilar electrode cell异种电极电池
- heterolysis异种溶解,外力溶解
- heteroaxial fold异轴褶皱
- Allostylops异柱兽属
- allobar异组分体
- isogeraniol异NFDAF牛儿醇
- inhibition of corrosion抑制腐蚀作用
- inhibiter extender抑制剂的增效剂
- stop band attenuation抑制频带衰减
- suppression time抑制时间
- inhibitive mud抑制性泥浆
- inhibited drilling fluid抑制钻井液
- post-editor译后编辑
- decipher译码,解释