The concentric reducer in transfer oil line and some of the bends in the front of radiation section of cylindrical furnace in furfural equipment in a refinery suffered localized corrosion.
Standard system for reducers commonly used at home and abroad was introduced, thirty(30) safety incident cases caused by reducer failure were analyzed from aspects of fitting, welding, erosion, breakage, stress corrosion etc.
Detailed siress analysis was carried out for a section of the pipeline including an eccentric reducer on which long cracks appeared twice.
The tapered pipe in air-cooling accessory line of a certain ammonia synthetic tower was cracked.
某厂氨合成塔冷气副线异径管发生爆裂事故,进行技术检验后分析了爆裂原因,材质为20钢的异径管内是高压富氢介质,氢分压21 MPa,该冷气副线长期处于关闭状态,由于副线中心管填料密封失效,使异径管长期超温工作,异径管在超温高压富氢介质工况下发生了氢腐蚀低应力脆性断裂。
Based on statistics analysis of an invalid tapered pipe with finite element software Pro/MECHANICA,the stress distribution diagram was obtained and cause of tapered pipe failure was found.
Analysis of finite-element strength of reducer tee;
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