- final angle最终角度
- ultimate production最终开采量
- Ultimate recoverable reserve最终可采储量
- ultimate cumulative recovery最终累积产量
- final migrated image最终偏移图象
- finally evaluation最终评价
- finalisation最终确定
- ultimate wetting-phase saturation最终润湿相饱和度
- ultimate life最终寿命
- final water saturation最终水饱和度
- FS最终停车
- final steady-state value最终稳定状态值
- final display最终显示
- terminal check最终校验
- ultimate oxygen demand;ultimate oxygen requirement最终需氧量
- ultimate demand最终需要
- FBS最终压力恢复曲线斜率
- final user price最终用户价格
- end-use competition最终用途竞争
- final oil recovery最终原油采收率
- final gain最终增益
- end value最终值
- LH左边,左手,左旋
- first member左端
- left-handed monkey wrench左扣活动扳手
- left-hand joint左扣连接
- left-hand string左扣钻柱
- left parenthesis左括号
- left-hand drill pipe左螺纹钻杆
- left regular lay左拧逆绞
- left lay左扭
- left-oblique左倾斜的
- left regular lay wire line左向逆绞钢丝绳
- left-hand lay左向捻
- left lang lay左向顺捻
- left-oblique slip fault左斜滑断层
- left-lateral slip fault左行滑动断层
- levortary,levogyral,left-handed (thread and the like),levogyric,laevorotatory(e),levorotatory(a),rota左旋的
- levorotatory左旋的,左旋物
- Left lateral slip左旋断层
- sinistral block左旋断块
- left-hand J-slot左旋钩形槽
- left-lateral transcurrent fault左旋横推断层
- sinistral transcurrent movement左旋横推运动
- left-lateral arc-arc transform fault左旋弧弧转换断层
- left-lateral ridge-arc transform fault左旋脊弧转换断层
- left-lateral shear左旋剪切
- sinistral shear fault左旋剪切断层
- levorotatory crystal左旋晶体
- left-reverse-slip fault左旋逆滑断层
- left-handed polarization左旋偏光
- sinistral vergence左旋倾向
- levo-enantiomer左旋异构体
- sinistral fold左旋褶皱
- left-normal-slip fault左旋正滑断层
- sinistral strike slip左旋走向滑动
- sinistral strike-slip fault左旋走向滑断层
- shift-left register左移位寄存器
- figure out作出,算出,想 出,弄清
- underpriced作价低估
- overpriced作价高估
- composer作曲者
- in witness whereof作为其证据
- operating crew作业班
- treatment variable作业变数,处理作业变量
- working parameter作业参数
- job success ratio作业成功率
- job program作业程序,加工程序
- job processing作业处理,作业加工
- job throughput作业处理能力
- OR作业代表
- job schedule作业调度程序,工程进度
- job sequencing module作业定序模块
- operation risk作业风险
- treating packer作业封隔器
- job engineering作业工程
- Operation management作业管理
- post-job作业后的
- operating partner作业伙伴
- rig capacity作业机承载能力
- on-stream monitoring作业监测
- well in operation作业井
- operating decision作业决策
- treatment slurry作业砂浆
- job execution作业施工
- sequence of events作业顺序
- job accounting作业统计
- operational integrity作业完善性
- operating committee作业委员会
- OCC作业协调中心