A Composition Method Based on Genetic Algorithm;
This paper studies the similarities and differences between human and computer compositions.
s: Western scholars carried on investigations on compositional process of 14 past masters including Debussy, Puccini, Richard Straus, Mahler, Pfitzner, Stravinsky, Bartók, Hindemith, Schoenberg,Dallapiccola and Zimmermann, while 4 living composers presented their own experience.
西方学者对 14位已故大师的作曲过程进行了研究 ,其中包括德彪西、普契尼、里夏德·斯特劳斯、马勒、普菲茨纳、斯特拉文斯基、巴托克、欣德米特、勋伯格、达拉皮科拉和齐默尔曼 ,而 4位健在的作曲家则讲述了自己的经验。
Discussion on some problems of the applying work curves in laboratory test;
Drawing work curve, digesting time and turbidity compensated are tested as determining total amount of P in surface water by ammonium molybdate tetrahydrate spectrophotometry.
The correction coefficient needs to be adopted to calculate the determinated value of work curve,it simplifies the operation,reduces error and enhances the accuracy and precision.
采用大肚移液管 ,将标准溶液配制成整数级别的贮备液、中间液、使用液时 ,利用工作曲线计算测定值需要引入校正系数 ,利用该方法可简化操作 ,减少误差提高实验准确度、精密度。
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