- a saucy red bow tie.一条漂亮的红领巾
- a river into which a large stream debouches.一条有大的溪流汇入的河
- a dexterous mechanic一位灵敏熟练的技工
- Yuv一种均匀色度系统,通常被用在彩色显示工业。
- Ibibios伊比比奥人
- Ilokos伊洛克人
- hospitals医院
- thriller nuder mystery at its heart以惊险的谋杀疑案为主线
- IMHO: In My Humble Opinion以我个人的浅见而言
- a confluence of artistry,superb choreography,and stage design.艺术技巧、优美的舞蹈和舞台设计的融合
- A girl I used to hang out with acted the same way. Whenever a group of us went out,she would always a易碎的盘子摔成了碎片
- computerized CRT phototype setting阴极射线发式计算机排版
- a lugubrious look阴郁的面容
- poeme音诗
- silver ink银墨
- DNAprimase DNA引发酶
- Ballon引语框
- printing plate印版
- squeegee side,upper side of screen printing forme印版刮墨面
- Hindustanis印度斯坦人
- Indian agate印玛瑙,苔藓玛瑙
- screen printing frame印刷网框
- tin-plate roller coating印铁滚涂油墨
- accrual basis(accounting)应计制,权责发生制(会计)
- SMM&T Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders Ltd (UK)英国发动机制造商和贸易商协会
- UK-PIA United Kingdom Petroleum Industry Association英国石油工业协会
- IP Institute of Petroleum (UK)英国石油学会
- A Word a Year: 1904-2004英语百年新词汇
- case bound硬封面书、精装书
- let尤指出租房屋或地产等。
- putty glazing油灰镶玻璃法
- ink inspect油墨检验
- OPEST Oil Protection and Emission System Test油品保护及排放系统试验
- pleasure trip游览,漫游
- prices are fixed,fixed prices有定价
- air-conditioned有空调设备的
- CabSat = cable and satelite有线及卫星?
- Thuban右枢(紫微右垣一)(位于天龙座)
- color of glaze釉色
- Picea jezoensis Carr. var. microsperma(Lindl.)Cheng et L.K.Fu鱼鳞云杉
- Alioth玉衡(北斗五)(位于大熊座)
- circilar screen圆形网点
- ballpoint pen ink圆珠笔油墨
- Jordanese约旦人
- appt appointment约会、预约
- high roller云霄飞车(翻滚列车)
- sports spectacles运动防护镜
- Co-coordinating European Council for the Development of Performance Tests for Transportation Fuels,Lu运输用燃料、润滑油及其他流体性能测试开发欧洲协调委员会
- try again再试一次
- sow grass seeds on ---loess Plateau在黄土高原上播种草籽
- How can?怎么会的
- Enhanced-Gamut Color增强型色域系统
- tape adhesion粘胶牢度
- accounting desk帐务处
- over-printing varnish照光油
- aromatic based photogravure ink照相凹版苯型油墨
- aliphatic based photogravure ink照相凹版汽油型油墨
- water based photogravure ink照相凹版水性油墨
- photographic studio (photographer's)照相馆(摄影室)
- bleeding when overprinting罩光渗化
- overprinting varnish罩光油
- Concealer遮瑕膏、霜、液
- Cover Stick遮瑕用粉条
- this way这边儿
- a palatable solution to the problem.这个问题的合乎人意的解决方法
- perlmutter opal珍珠蛋白石,美蛋白石
- pillow,pillowcase;pillowslip枕套
- steam-set printing ink蒸汽固着油墨
- a prim garden整洁的园子
- It is just/exactly正是
- Quite so正正如此
- Up-down adjusting range of the spotting支架升降范围
- Bar Gamma直方伽玛值
- a lineal consanguinity直系亲族
- desk clerk值班服务员
- caliper shear burst纸厚撕裂
- thickness of paper纸张厚度
- fifle指步枪类的枪。
- wharf指船只停泊装卸货物的码头。
- evident指根据事实成为显然的。
- retain指继续保持。
- twinkle指如星光等的闪烁。
- fierce指天性凶恶,令人害怕。
- train指训练与培养
- denote指用符号等表示
- clasp指用手紧握或用臂紧抱
- treatment of all types of eye injuries as well as treatment of infections and tearing problems治疗包括感染和流泪等在内的眼疾
- width of ink rest area置墨区宽度
- China's "Silicon Valley"中国硅谷
- Chinese Football Association中国足球协会