- an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth以眼还眼,以牙还牙
- famous for selected materials,novel designs,delightful colors and exquisite workmanship以用料讲究、图案新颖、色泽秀丽、工艺精湛而著称
- Be Regarded as Gift以赠与论
- Make-Whole Call以支付溢价为成本的提前还款权利
- payment by cheque以支票支付
- strategy of development through quality;win the market with quality products以质量求发展
- strive for survival,development and efficiency on the basis of equality以质量求生存、求发展、求效益
- famous for high quality raw materials,full range of specifications and sizes,and great variety of des以质优原料,尺寸齐全,品种花样繁多而著称
- CO Yishun North Neighbourhood Police Centre义顺北邻里警局局长
- CO Yishun South Neighbourhood Police Centre义顺南邻里警局局长
- compulsory military service义务兵役制
- benefit performance;charity performance义演
- proceeds from benefit performmance义演收入
- Creative/Design Director艺术/设计总监
- Bargain议价,讨价还价
- fund remittance between different places异地资金汇划
- profiled rolle steel异型钢材
- Curb the real estate craze抑制房地产热
- Curb inflation抑制通货膨胀
- repressed inflation抑制性通货膨胀
- war-prone areas易爆发战争的地区
- easy-open can易拉罐
- susceptibility of goods to water易受水浸性
- easy to lubricate易于润滑
- Esse Housewares (Shenzhen) Ltd.奕信家庭用品深圳有限公司
- bracing up the whole system and strengthening it,delaying senility益气强壮,延缓衰老
- supplement the vital energy and nourish yin,promote the production of body fluid and saliva益气养阴,生津增液,补肺健脾
- UCIC Srl意大利易气驰有限公司
- Airforce Spa意大利爱富士公司
- Elica S.p.A意大利爱丽卡厨房设备公司
- Ancona Promuove意大利安柯那地区商会
- Baden Haus Spa意大利班登豪斯公司
- Bandini Scaldabagni Srl意大利班帝尼公司
- Leaning Tower of Pisa,Italy意大利比萨斜塔
- Daspi Gates Automation意大利代斯匹门控公司
- Valsir Spa意大利法尔塞公司
- Fieramosca Spa意大利法拉摩西卡橱门公司
- Meccanica Fadini - Shunde Huamei意大利佛帝尼顺德华美
- Fox Group Spa意大利佛克斯集团公司
- Verniciai (Shanghai) Coating Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.意大利孚妮雅涂料上海有限公司
- Colosseum in Rome,Italy意大利古罗马圆形剧场
- Hascon Engineering Srl意大利海斯康公司
- Sea Srl意大利海洋公司
- Huber Spa意大利琥波公司
- Turboair Spa意大利家宝公司
- Jet Air S.R.L.意大利捷亚公司
- Kika Srl意大利开咖公司
- Consorzio Italy Export意大利康恩索泽出口公司
- Consorzio GET EXPORT意大利康佐治出口公司
- Assarredo / Federlegno - Arredo意大利联合木业装饰协会
- Cesame Shanghai Representative Office意大利塞莎洁具中国代表处
- Cesame Spa - Ceramica Sanitaria Del Mediterraneo Spa意大利塞莎卫浴设施公司
- Santa Margherita Spa意大利三特公司
- Cisal Rubinetteria Spa意大利司素水龙头
- Cisal (Asia) Ltd.意大利司素亚洲有限公司
- Tenda Dorica Srl意大利坦达公司
- Tiemme Raccorderie Srl意大利梯默公司
- Venice,Italy意大利威尼斯
- Zepa S.p.A意大利斋帕公司
- opinion polling,opinion survey意见调查
- opinion shopping意见购物
- meeting of minds;consensus意思表示一致
- intent capacity意思能力
- accident insurance意外保险(不包括海上,火灾和人寿保险)
- unexpected risk意外风险
- contingency fund意外开支,预备金
- Windfall Profits Tax意外利得利润税
- Windfall Exemption意外利得免税额
- Overpaid Business Tax溢付凭证
- premium price溢价
- sale at premium溢价出售
- issue of bonds at a premium溢价发行债券(以超过票面金额价发行债券)
- premium stock溢价股
- Premium put溢价赎回
- Refund of Overpaid Tax溢缴退税
- The Amount Over-withheld溢扣
- wing rail翼轨
- teaching students in accordance of their aptitude因材施教
- proceed in the light of local conditions and in accordance with a rational division of labor,with all因地制宜,合理分工,各展所长,优势互补,共同发展的原则
- suit our measures to differing conditions in terms of locality,time,issue and persons involved因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜
- Results in Tax Evasion因而发生漏税
- FACT factor analysis chart technique因素分析图解法
- ISP因特网服务提供者
- yin,yang阴、阳
- Candlestick chart阴阳烛图表
- Marriage relationship姻缘
- Audio-On-Demand(AOD)音频点播
- Stereophonic Components音响组件
- Recording / Sounds Specialist音效师
- money diplomacy;dollar diplomacy;"silver bullet" diplomacy银弹外交