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Like father,like son.是什么意思



1)Like father,like son.,有其父必有其子。2)Like father,like son,有其父必有其子3)like father like son,有其父必有其子4)Like mother,like daughter.,有其母必有其女。5)everything having contents,物有其容6)a character replaced by another language but having existed in its native language,本有其字7)speciosity,徒有其表8)farmers obtain their own lands,耕者有其田9)residents obtain their own houses,居者有其屋10)"laborers Having Their Shares",“劳者有其股”


    The research conclusion:the necessary condition of realizing social harmony-farmers obtain their own lands in the countryside and urban residents obtain their own houses in the cities.


    The research conclusion:the necessary condition of realizing social harmony-farmers obtain their own lands in the countryside and urban residents obtain their own houses in the cities.


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