Ecological Study on Greenfinch in Lishan Nature Reserve;
Greenfinch (Carduelis sinica) produces sound by switching one side of its syrinx to the other is suggested from the fact that unilateral section of tracheosyringeal branch of the hy-poglossal nerve (NXIIts) led to its call phrase being shortened.
The breeding ecology of the greenfinch(Carduelis sinica) was studied in Nanchong,Sichuan from March to June in 2005.
Two bird species,Parus monticolus and Cardulis ambigua which has not been recorded in Guangxi were found in Congzuo county,Napo county and Longlin county,Guangxi during the time from July to August 2003 and from May to December 2004.
报道2003年7~8月和2004年5~12月在广西崇左、那坡、隆林等县观察到在广西鸟类未记录过的绿背山雀(P arusm onticolus)和黑头金翅(雀)(C ardu lis am bigu),并采集了标本,其中绿背山雀标本在2004年12月15日采于广西隆林县金钟山,黑头金翅(雀)标本在2004年5月6日采于广西隆林县大哄豹。
In April 1994 and from June to November 1998, we found the European Green-finch Carduelis chloris many times in Ili Region, Xinjiang.
作者于 1994年 4月、1998年 6、8、9~ 10、11月 ,在新疆伊犁地区多次采集和观察到我国鸟纲、雀形目、雀科一新纪录〔1,2 ,3〕———欧金翅。
Results show that the hydrophilic membranes can meet the needs of Al alloy fins of air-conditioners with good properties mentioned above.
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