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ward of state是什么意思



1)ward of state,州行政区,州选举区2)district,n.地区,行政区;美国各州的众议院选区3)Prefecture administration official area,州级行政办公区4)Guangzhou Nansha district administration center,广州市南沙区行政中心5)Political Commissar of Lanzhou Military Area Command,兰州军区政委6)a gubernatorial election,州长的选举


    This paper introduces the conception plan of Guangzhou Nansha district administration center and scheme design of its first section principle part project.

    该文介绍了广州市南沙区行政中心概念规划及首期主体工程方案设计,阐述了规划区域内的总体布局和规划理念, 又从交通组织、景观空间设计、主要经济技术指标等方面展示了规划构思和特点。

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