Some important factors in processing were emphasized,such as selection of materials,quenching and scalding time,quenching and scalding degree,temperature,colour and lustre,spreading and baking time,temperature and humidity control at the baking stage,and so on.
We have many kinds of permanent: regular, cold perm, straight perm, and foam.
Do you want a permanent wave or a cold wave?
Oh, we have quite a regular, cold perm, straight perm, pin curl and foam.
Hairdresser:Yeah.A lot of my customers love it.(after shampooing) Do you want a permanent wave or a cold wav-e?
In cold weather, boiling water can crack the glass.
在寒冷的天气,沸腾的 开水会把玻璃杯烫裂.
Fuse on top of the stitched under collar. Pin the under collar to a tailor's ham and shape by steaming the roll line. Allow to cool.
To scald(food)briefly, as before freezing or as a preliminary stage in preparing a dish.
Don't eat very hot or cold food, and keep off stimulating foods such as sour or icy food.
Through the ages the earth has cooled. But there is still fiery hot rock deep inside.
A( orThe) scalded catdreads cold wate r.( orScalded cats even fearcold water.
The scalded cat fears cold water.
The scalded dog fears cold water.
tap water that is too hot to touch can be left to cool and is generally safe to drink.
Simple to operate,push button only once,it can antomatically finish the all operation of iron,cooling,revolving and so on.
Hung-chien's nerves were too numb as he left the house to feel the cold.He was conscious only of a burning in his left cheek.
The hot magma, or lava as it is called, cols and builds up on the surface of the earth.
Study on the Effect of Immediate Cooling Therapy on Rat s Scald Wound in Hot and Humid Environment;
a cool glimpse of green between hot pustules of sooty sprawl&b{Nicholas Proffitt)
冷冷地瞧了一眼蔓延着煤灰色的发烫的化脓伤口中透出的绿色(尼古拉斯 普罗菲特)