the old saw `More haste,less speed.'
More haste, worse speed.
Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.
As the saying goes, @Haste makes waste.
`More haste,less speed,' as the saying goes.
"Haste makes waste" is a proverb.
Otherwise, as the saying goes, "More haste, less speed" -- the more we are in a hurry, the less production will be raised.
The expression "haste makes waste" does not apply to reading.
to hastening ills a prey- Oliver Goldsmith.
Backwards, he thought. Full speed ahead backwards.
"More haste, less speed" is a paradox.
"More haste,less speed"is a paradox.
Common saying says: More haste,less speed, inadvertently person.
A bully is always a coward.6. Birds of a feather flock together.6. Fool's haste is no speed.
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The saying "Haste does not bring success" does not mean that we should not make haste, but that we should not be impetuous; impetuosity leads only to failure.
We are determined to carry out land reform, and this tactical concept will enable us to speed it up; otherwise, it will be a matter of more haste and less speed.
This is a dangerous situation that can result in a burst barrel or worse, and is really a case where" haste makes waste.