In order to indicate the influence of hypergravitaion or rotation on the function of vestibule and the effect of Acetyl_DL_Leucine (AL) in these processes, we observed the change and recovery processes of swimming behavior and the effect of Acetyl_DL_Leucine in these processes on the mouse (living in hypergravitation or rotation enviroment for two weeks).
通过观测小鼠在超重 (2 g)环境中生存 2周后返回正常 (1g)环境后游泳行为模式的改变和再适应过程及乙酰亮氨酸 (Acetyl_DL_leucine ,AL)对其的影响 ,研究了超重和旋转对前庭功能的影响及AL对前庭代偿的影响 。