The lithological features and petrophysical properties and the type of storage space were studied in order to indicate the characteristics of Upper Paleozoic clastic rock reservoirs in East E'erduosi Basin.
为了说明鄂尔多斯盆地东部上古生界碎屑岩储层特征 ,对其岩性特征、储集空间类型、物性特征几方面进行了研究。
East Yingkou area is one of important localities of boron deposits in China.
Since the end of 1970s,the remnant recoverable reserves in the eastern China have gone through two change periods from 1977 to 1985 and from 1985 to 1998.
Through the comparison of the tourism resources characteristics and the tourism real estate development process of China s eastern,central and western region,the economic,social and environmental coordination development of the tourism real estate proposals are proposed.
Amounts of organic materials application were estimated by statistical data to analyze input and output of organic carbon pools in typical arable soils in important agricultural areas of Eastern China in order to evaluate preliminarily.
根据田间测定的有机物料腐殖化系数和土壤有机碳矿化量结果 ,以及统计测算的有机物质进入量 ,分析了中国东部主要农业区农田土壤有机碳库的平衡状况 ,并对其作为大气CO2 的源汇功能进行了初步评价。
Using data from 1996 to 2005 of 11 provinces of eastern area and western area respectively,the empirical results suggest that FDIi,t-1,AGDPi,t,WAGi,t,TIEi,t,EDUi,t are important factors in eastern China,and FDIi,t-1 Gi,t,are important factors in western China.
分析结果表明滞后一期的FD I、人均GDP、职工人均工资、市场开放度、劳动力素质五个因素为东部地区外商直接投资区位选择重要的影响因素;滞后一期的FD I、滞后一期的GDP和政策因素是西部地区外商直接投资重要的区位决定因素。
The Grand Development of the West of China:a Rare Opportunity for the East, the Central as well as the West;
In The Great Gatsby,one of Fitzgerald s masterpieces is revealed a kind of vague but clear complex about the American mid-west,which is in line with the traditional contrasting views about the east and mid-west in American literature.
A Comparative Study on the CPA Service Market Between Shaanxi and Eastern Area;
Combining the ship-based observational data by sunphotometer with space-based MODIS/AOD data by satellite,the relationship between AOD and dusty weather over Eastern China seas is studied in this paper.
Episodic tectonic cycles and sequence pattern of the Tertiary rifted basins of East China;
The Genetic Mechanism of CO_2 in the East China and the southwestern China Sea;
Pre-Tertiary: new field of oil and gas exploration in east China;
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