In order to advance the ability of managing contract, the owner of municipal project should build a series of system of managing contract and set a managing institution to carry out the typical format of contract, set up the aim of the managing contract, sort project contracts.
How to prevent contract legal risk analyzed from some typical cases;
Discussion about Conclude Contracts of Electronic Database;
Aiming at the two important effects of the regulating power stations belonging to region network corporation which include operation safety and demand requirement balance, a model is designed for the optimal contracts between power network corporation and regulating power stations by using principal agent m.
针对区域电网公司所拥有的调峰电厂在电网安全运营和平衡市场需求 2个方面的重要作用 ,文中运用委托—代理模型对电网公司和调峰电厂间最优合同进行模型设计 ,证明在对称信息条件下 ,当委托人是风险中性而代理人是风险规避型时 ,该最优合同能够达到帕累托最优风险分担和帕累托最优努力水平。
But the usual contracts cannot effectively coordinate the benefit conflicts.
The simultaneous diagonalization by congruence of pairs of Hermitian quaternion matrices is discussed.
讨论四元数Hermitian矩阵对在共轭合同关系下的同时对角化问题 。
By mean of congruence transformation, when root of a polynomial has zero-root or double-root, a method for diagonalization of some Bezout matrics is given in this paper.
主要通过合同关系 ,对Bezout矩阵中当多项式存在零根和存在二重根时的对角化问题进行分析 ,得到一些有意义的结论 。
In this paper, we give a methyod for diagonalization of some Bezout matrics By congruence transformation.
通过合同变换给出了一些 Bezout矩阵的对角化方法 。
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