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Sharp tooth是什么意思



1)Sharp tooth,尖齿2)sharp_fanged link joint,尖齿链板3)sharp teeth profile milling cutter,尖齿铣刀4)bicuspid,两尖齿5)sharp-fanged,尖齿的6)Sinoconodon,中国尖齿首7)flat relieved tooth soltting cutter,尖齿槽铣刀8)slotting cutter without sharp teeth,无尖齿切槽刀9)bicuspid (premolar),二尖齿(前臼齿)10)bulldozer blade tip,推土机铲刀尖齿


    The technology for shaving the shape of the sharp_fanged link joints was stated.

    叙述了尖齿链板外形整修工艺 ,并介绍了尖齿链板整修模的结构及其特点 ,采用外形整修技术改变了传统的尖齿加工工艺 ,保证了产品质量 ,大大提高了生产效

    This paper reports new features of the dentition of Sinoconodon, an EarlyJurassic mammal from the lower Lufeng Formation of Yunnan China Incisors andcanines were replaced multiple times in Sinoconodon as in many non-mammalian cynodonts.


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