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ball playing skill是什么意思



1)ball playing skill,控球技术2)controlling the football,控球3)ball possesstion,控球4)trap,控球5)shuttle controlled ball valve,梭控球阀6)the right of controlling ball,控球权7)Team Members Controlling the Ball,控球队员8)Organizing back fielder,控球后卫9)catching and controlling the football,接控球10)king handles,控球圣王


    From the point of psychology,sports physiology and sports training theory,the author makes an analysis on the functions and sorts of ability of sense of feelings,the forming process and the training methods in running with the ball and controlling the football.


    This paper introduces the operation and the principle of shuttle controlled ball valve in pipeline transportation,and introduces the basic characteristic of an important element Adjustable Differential Flow Shuttle Valve ADFSV〔1〕in the shuttle controlled actuator,where the ADFSV as a speed control element can control gas/hydraulic actuators of ball valves,butterfly valves,gate valves,etc.


    Organizing back fielder can make a moving attack in unfixed ares.


    This paper points out the importance of the techniques of catching and controlling the football for juvenile football players and it recounts the passing the ball,breaking through and shooting at the goal after catching and controlling the football.

    对青少年足球运动员接控球技术的重要性及接控球后的传球、突破、射门加以叙述 ,并提出接控球应注意的要点 。

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