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The contract responsibility system under which an enterprise turns over a fixed a mount of tax and profits to the state是什么意思



1)The contract responsibility system under which an enterprise turns over a fixed a mount of tax and profits to the state,包干体制2)complete financial responsibility,财政包干体制3)big contract fiscal system,"大包干"财政体制4)overall rationing payment,包干制5)accounting and contact system,核算包干制6)system of responsibility for finance,财政包干制


    The complete financial responsibility is the transitional arrangement.


    The document indicates the market-oriented direction of determining the property services\' price, the form of determining the property services\' price which is mainly with the market-adjusted price, government -directed price as the secondary, the way of billing combined with overall rationing payment and commission based salary.


    Analyzing the Relation Orientation of the Central and Local Government in the System of Complete Financial Responsibility;


    A Strategic Transitional Institution Azzangement--A Case Study about Fiscall All-zound Resposclility system of China in 1980s;


    Construction Project Cost Management in Connection with Railway Construction Investment Responsibility System;


    big contract fiscal system


    fiscal system with division of revenue and expenditurebetween the central and local governments andwithcontracts at different levels


    fiscal system with separate categories of taxes, designated scope of revenues and expendituresand responsibility contracts at various levels


    Preparation of Neo-gambogic lyophilized liposomes and determination of its encapsulation efficiency


    Preparation of freeze-dried chitosan-liposome containing L-dopa and pharmacokinetics in rats after oral administration


    Stabilize and perfect the financial contract system


    A hard biscuit or bread made with only flour and water.


    An insect appendage consists typically of a limb base and a shaft.


    On the Legal Problems of the Contract for the Collective Land Contracting;


    shaped and wrapped portion or mass of this


    Aluminum sleeves were placed around the stems.


    The chief purpose is to control the budget.


    In order to control the budget we have decided from now on to hold departments responsible for their own revenue and expenditure.


    system of investment responsibility for capital construction project


    The human body excluding the head and limbs;trunk.


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